Communication creates the best customer experience.

Make the customer experience your best product. Keep your staff connected with cost effective analog or digital radios so they are focused on putting your customer first.

Unlicensed PMR446 Two-Way Radios

Clear communication is critical for all teams. Whether you are supervising a production line, monitoring the school playground, serving customers in a store, or managing an office, you need to be able to connect instantly to share information with your team.
PMR446 unlicensed and 1W licensed models are available so you can stay in touch with your team, no matter what the size. Whether you’re managing a small boutique, school playground, or offices.

Multiple channels give you the flexibility to keep different teams on separate channels and keep your staff focused on their roles. Privacy codes can be added to protect communications from neighbouring groups.

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Unlicensed PMR446 Two-Way Radios - Products



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